Learn about PLR Products using PLR Mania

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PLR Products using PLR Mania


This expert’s guide to PLR is for the heavy-hitters who want to make some serious money using PLR products. If you’re not serious about making 5-6 figure monthly incomes, then this book isn’t for you.
This guide is not about showing you the basics of PLR. You already know that and you’ve seen its power. This guide is for you to start really using PLR to take your business to the next level.
We’re going to talk about how you can recuperate your investment with easy and bring in the ongoing profits using 12 powerful strategies for using PLR. The strategies will help you not only build a solid foundation for your business, but also help make people see you as an expert in the field and a marketing mogul.
So without further ado, let’s dive into some killer strategies to start raking profits for you immediately!

Giveaway Events

We all very well know the important of having a huge qualified subscriber list. Your email list is your rice bowl. The bigger and more qualified your list, the more valuable your list as an asset becomes. Relationships are also very important with list. You need to be seen as a trusted expert in your niche in order for people to buy things for you.
One of the best ways to grow a responsive, qualified list is by joining giveaway events. A giveaway event is an online gathering where marketers offer free gifts such as e-books or video courses in exchange for new subscribers. Every marketer involved promotes the giveaway event to their own list and you will benefit from the views and clicks from subscribers of other marketers that come to the event for free gifts.
If you got your hands on some PLR products, you can use them as free gifts. You can do the conventional style by giving away an e-book, or you could set the bar higher buy creating a mega-product by combining 3 e-books into one. You can also turn e-books into video courses which are better at attracting new subscribers.
The quality of your free gift ultimately determines what kind of list you will have. If your free gift can really benefit your subscribers, chances are you will be more likely to monetize from them later on in the future. That’s why, choose PLR products which complement your niche or paid product so that your new subscribers will be “trained” to like your stuff and it will become to easier to sell to them next time.
You can also use PLR to help you host your own giveaway event. Use PLR products to attract people to join or promote your event by giving away useful content for free. Hold contests to see who can make the most referrals and reward them with books made from your PLR products. You can use the e-books as gifts for people who joined your event or signed up to your list as tokens of gratitude or just a simple gesture of goodwill.

The “Big Marketing Book” Strategy

In the last chapter, we talked briefly about combining E-books to become bigger, bulkier products. Huge E-books (100+ pages) have a higher perceived value and with that you can charge a premium price to your customers. With PLR products, the task becomes a walk in the park.
To illustrate, let us say you get your hands on some PLR e-books related to the personal development niche. Some topics include the holistic approach, meditation and yoga. Since these topics are somewhat related, why not turn it into the “Big book of wellbeing”? Customers who are interested in one product are also interested in finding more products related to the topic. Instead, why not give them all 3 for the price of one?
Do not underestimate the power of compact reports. These small 20-page e-books usually consist of big ideas in small packages and when combined, has great monetization potential. Feeling generous? Then give your mega e-book away and your subscribers will love you even more! The more you give, the more you get… That’s the law of attraction!
Wait… there’s more! Combining e-books to make e-books is one thing, but you can also create big products using multi PLR e-books such as a huge training course or video course. With PLR at your fingertips, the power to create endless products for your subscribers is all yours.

Affiliate E-book Giveaway Strategy

>> To continue reading, download the complete eBook here (including ALL premium eBooks as a VIP member) <<

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